HSG Healthcare

0203 5513 886

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CSTF Safeguarding Adults Levels 1 and 2

£9.95 + VAT (incl. VAT: £11.94)

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  • Enrollment for multiple candidates
  • Bulk buy discounts on orders
  • Flexible online access for all participants
  • Centralised portal to manage progress
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Vist HSG E-learning

It is everyone's responsibility to protect vulnerable people from harm, ignorance or the acceptance of bad practice is abuse, as an employee it is vital you understand the correct path to take to report safeguarding concerns so they are dealt with quickly and effectively. Our ultimate goal is to eliminate abuse and live a life free from harm. 


The Health and Safety Group would recommend approx. 2 hours 30 minutes to complete the course

Course includes

  • Definition of a Vulnerable Adult & Abuse
  • Overview Care Quality Commission
  • Key Principles in safeguarding
  • Regulations
  • Who's at risk
  • Who's likely to abuse
  • Contributory Factors to abuse
  • Characteristics which increase and decrease the risk of vulnerability
  • Types and signs of abuse - Physical, Sexual, Psychological, Neglect, Discriminatory, Financial and Institutional
  • Forced Marriage
  • Honour Based Violence
  • Radicalisation & its indicators
  • Person centred Care Dignity & Respect
  • Reporting abuse Alerting & Whistleblowing
  • Information Sharing & Multi Agency Working
  • Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Refusing assessments
  • The Mental Capacity Act

(Your certificate is valid for 3 years!)

Who is this course for?

This course is aimed at all staff throughout the health and social care sector, in particular

  • Existing staff to update existing knowledge
  • New starters to the organisation
This activity has been accredited by The CPD Standards office and equates to 2 hours of CPD.

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