HSG Healthcare

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CSTF Preventing Radicalisation


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The aim of this course is to provide an understanding of how the prevent stage of the Governments Counter Terrorism Strategy relates to the safeguarding or vulnerable adults and children, a requirement of the Counter Terrorism & Security Act 2015 and the Prevent Duty Statutory Guidance.The dangers of extremism and radicalisation have an impact on us all. The first step in finding an effective way to safeguard against this is to develop awareness of current threats and issues surrounding terrorism.

Who is this course for?

This course is aimed at all staff throughout the health and social care sector and education sector, in particular:

  • Existing staff to update existing Knowledge
  • New starters to the organisation
  • Staff working with children

Course Content

  • History and current threats of terrorism
  • Terrorist Growth Factors
  • British Values
  • Extremism
  • Radicalisation
  • Contest counter terrorism strategy
  • Prevent Strategy
  • The Channel process

Course Objectives

  • Have an understanding of the current threat levels & how terrorists grow
  • Have an understanding of Radicalisation, Extremism
  • Better understand what makes people vulnerable to radicalisation
  • Know how to recognise the indicators that radicalisation might be taking place and have a clear understanding of their responsibilities
  • Have knowledge of the Prevent strand of the government's CONTEST strategy
  • Have an awareness of current reporting mechanisms and the Channel process
This activity has been accredited by The CPD Standards office and equates to 1 hours of CPD.

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