Digital certificate - Delivered by email FREE
Copy of certificate - 1st class delivery £5.95 + VAT
Copy of certificate - Next day delivery £9.95 + VAT
Safeguarding Adults Levels 1 & 2
Mandatory training equates to 7 hours of CPD.
All the training modules are standardised with standardised names. The purpose of this is to make any delegates mandatory qualifications universally accepted across all agencies and healthcare establishments including NHS Trusts.
Should this be a requirement of the procurement organisation, The Health and Safety Group do provide this course via our eLearning website free of charge. Please use the following link:
Digital certificate - Delivered by email FREE
Copy of certificate - 1st class delivery £5.95 + VAT extra
Copy of certificate - Next day delivery £9.95 + VAT extra
Our courses have been accredited by The CPD standards office and have undergone rigorous checking and awarded CPD hours.
The hours can be used towards a healthcare professional’s revalidation
The Health and Safety Groups role is to provide a knowledge based presentation and workbook to assist the delegate in gathering evidence of their knowledge. The Health and safety group WILL NOT provide the certificate, and can only verify that knowledge was completed to he required standard and basic life support was observed.
You need to complete your whole assessment within 12 weeks from your day of training with us if you are a full time employee. It is at the discretion of your employer should you need extra time to complete.
The CPD Standards Office, the accrediting division of the Professional Development Consortium, have independently assessed and verified that all the online and classroom training modules contained within the Mandatory + Statutory Training (‘Skills for Health’ aligned CSTF) training courses offered by The Health and Safety Group are fully aligned with the Skills for Health Core Skills Training Framework (August 2016).
The full statement can be viewed at the following link: