CSTF Safeguarding Adults (Inclusive of Mental Health & Mental Capacity)
CSTF Moving & Handling (Level 1 and 2)
CSTF Resuscitation Level 1 (Inclusive of Anaphylaxis)
CSTF Resuscitation - Level 2 - Adult Basic Life Support
CSTF Resuscitation - Level 3 - Adult Immediate Life Support (Inclusive of National Early Warning Scores (NEWS), Reversible Factors + ABCDE Approach)
All delegates must attend this part of the training day to meet the requirements of the procurement frameworks. Please see the comparison framework document within the agency portal for further clarification.
Part B consists of the following modules
CSTF Resuscitation - Level 2 - Paediatric Basic Life Support
CSTF Resuscitation - Level 3 - Paediatric Immediate Life Support
Part B would only be selected if the delegate would be required to do resuscitation on a child.
A child = From 1 year to puberty
For example, a paediatric nurse or an adult nurse working in a setting where children will be present i.e. children’s ward, community nurse, children’s mental health.
Part C consists of the following modules
CSTF Resuscitation - Level 2 - New-born Basic Life Support
CSTF Resuscitation - Level 3 - New-born Immediate Life Support
Part C would only be selected if the delegate would be required to do resuscitation on a New-born or neonate
A new-born = First 24hrs after birth
A neonate = First 28 days after birth
For example, a midwife, health visitor or paediatric nurse working within A & E
The Health & Safety Group are now offering a mandatory training package which meets the needs of all recruitment agencies. After completing our (Skills for Health CSTF) Mandatory & Statutory practical day training the delegate will then be given a free eLearning login to complete the theory based subjects. View this link for more info: -
Yes - on your main menu within your agency portal, you will now see a button called; ‘Elearning Course Settings’. You can also find this by clicking on the following link:- https://www.healthandsafetygroup.com/accounts/72487/elearningcoursesettings/ur eLearning settings and allow your candidates to complete their online training before they complete their practical day of training.
Mapping Tool
Yes. A mapping document is a spreadsheet containing the objectives, requirements and guidance of each UK CSTF training course. The Health & Safety Group have used this document to align our (Skills for Health aligned CSTF) Mandatory & Statutory training courses
Declaration of Alignment
The CPD Standards Office have audited and fully accredited The Health and Safety Group as aligned to (Skills for Health CSTF) Mandatory & Statutory Training Course
The CSTF Mandatory and Statutory Training Course has been verified by Skills for Health as aligned to Skills For Health UK Core Skills Training Framework The Health and Safety Group are the only classroom provider on The Skills for Health Directory of Commercial Training Suppliers. This Directory also shows The Health & Safety Group as the only training provider verified to deliver the practical Resucitation:-Skills for Health Commercial Trainers Directory
Does The Health and Safety Group set any minimum standards for qualifications and experience of the trainers who deliver the training? Yes, for mandatory and statutory training we require the following as a minimum:
5 years nursing / paramedic experience + nursing degree or diploma OR 5 Years Health and Safety Experience + Health and Safety qualification to minimum level 5 + First aid at Work FAW certificate + People Moving and Handling Trainer Qualification + PTLLS - Life Long Learning Sector Training or equivalent teacher training qualification
The Health & Safety Group have created a Healthcare Certificate Register which is completely free of charge to participating agencies. This is a certificate sharing platform for agencies and independent delegates where certificates shared are automatically verified by The Health & Safety Group.
You can join the register by using the link provided below: http://www.healthcare-register.co.uk/membership_application_form
CPP, CCS and HTE will from October 2016 be seeking training alignment with Skills for Health CSTF.
The Health & Safety Group have created a comparison table which can be viewed to highlight the different requirements between the Purchasers frameworks
Certain purchasing organisations make direct reference to Skills for Health CSTF and the objectives laid out within the UK Core Skills Training Framework. The Health & Safety Groups (Skills for Health Aligned CSTF) Mandatory & Statutory Training therefore is aligned to the UK Core Skills Training Framework, which will meet these requirements.
We therefore advise placing delegates on The Health and Safety Group (Skills for Health CSTF) Mandatory & Statutory training. i.e.
Collaborative Procurement Partnership (CPP)
Crown Commercial Service (CCS)
Healthcare Trust Europe (HTE)
Some agencies, independent organisations or individuals working within the healthcare sector do not require training align to the UK Core Skills Training Framework and therefore the All in One-day Mandatory training is suffice. All in One-Day Mandatory training is suitable for agencies and other organisations working off framework.
One of our delegates have completed the practical training elsewhere, do they still have access to the free eLearning modules? No, the eLearning modules are only free once the practical day course has been purchased.The delegate will have to purchase the eLearning courses from our eLearning website(http://www.hsg-elearning.co.uk/) or complete the HSG practical day to qualify for the free modules.
Is Preventing Radicalisation training a mandatory requirement for nurses and care assistants? Preventing Radicalisation is currently only a requirement for Healthcare Trust Europe. We offer this module totally FREE of charge http://www.hsg-elearning.co.uk/products/1545/cstf-preventing-radicalisation/
Yes they are. We continually monitor The Resuscitation Council Guidelines and deliver your life support training accordingly. The evidence for this is demonstrated in our alignment mapping document
The content of all our mandatory courses are determined by the stipulations provided by the procurement organisations and recruitment agencies. We are not regulated by the CQC but their standards are frequently aligned with those of the frameworks.
All The Health & Safety Groups training courses have been accredited by The CPD Standards Office Each course has been awarded Continual Professional Development (CPD) Hours which can be used towards revalidation. For further information, please see NMC website http://revalidation.nmc.org.uk/
CPD (Continuous Professional Development) hours are achieved by completing an activity.The number of hours varies for each activity your delegate completes Our courses have been accredited by The CPD standards office and have undergone rigorous checking and awarded CPD hours. These hours can be used towards a healthcare professional’s revalidation
Anyone that Is a member of a professional body is likely to have CPD requirements laid out to them by that regulatory body. In healthcare this is revalidation. Anyone that works in a sector that is formally regulated is likely to have to record or track their CPD in order to maintain their license to practice or professional qualifications.
Yes, the certificate will show the amount of hours CPD the delegate has achieved by completing the activity. On the back of the certificate there is a learners CPD tool for your delegate to complete. This certificate can then be recorded within the delegates’ file.
Control and restraint training is an in-depth course, which can require up to 3 or 4 days training, depending on the style of course selected. This cannot be achieved within our one-day mandatory refresher course timescales. We are currently however looking at options for a separate classroom training course for agency delegates.
The skills required to deliver the course are developing from tutors who normally have a background in marital arts or similar. Such tutors then convert their skills into control and restraint techniques. The Health and Safety Group tutors deliver mandatory subjects for healthcare which require a different skill set entirely.
In the meanwhile whilst we cannot recommend a particular company, trainers of control and restraint should ideally be ‘A’ Grade General Services Association (GSA) tutors. Please refer to the following link for more information. http://www.thegsa.co.uk/
This is a new requirement from the Collaborative Procurement Partnership (CPP) Framework - required once on recruitment and then followed by CSFT training
Your Health Career
Duty of Care
Person-centred Care
Privacy & Dignity
Fluids & Nutrition
Dementia Awareness
This training will be provided in e-learning format as from October 2016
For all care workers, healthcare assistants and social care support workers - if they are new to care (within first 12 weeks) or existing staff requiring refresher training.
The course is assessed in two ways, knowledge and competency The Health & Safety Group deliver the knowledge based presentation, with workbook and two theory assessments covering the 15 standards. The delegate will then be required to demonstrate their competencies within the workplace. It is up to the workplace to assess the competency of the delegate.
Basic Life Support is assessed via observations of practical application. The delegate will also sit two 30 question multiple choice assessments. The delegate is able to record their knowledge gained on the assessment pages within the workbook. All other observations will be undertaken by the place of employment.
The Health and Safety Groups role is to provide a knowledge based presentation and workbook to assist the delegate in gathering evidence of their knowledge. The Health and safety group WILL NOT provide the certificate, and can only verify that knowledge was completed to the required standard and basic life support was observed On return to the workplace, the employer, when happy that you have met the competency levels required for each standard can award the care certificate. A template certificate can be downloaded from http://www.skillsforcare.org.uk/Learning-development/Care- Certificate/Care-Certificate.aspx
If the delegate is a full time employee, they need to complete the whole assessment within 12 weeks from the day of training with The Health & Safety Group. It is at the discretion of your employer should you need extra time to complete.